Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Things about Bell‘s Palsy your doctor doesn‘t tell you.

So you‘ve got Bell‘s Palsy, happy next 3 weeks to you! 

Here is my before and after:


I want to put together a few pointers and self help tricks that I wish my doctor would have given me straight at the beginning of this process. I did google Bell's and got a lot of information about "what" and "why"  but I found the „how“ was missing.
How to live with only half a face for 3 weeks? How to deal with pain like no other? How to keep your spirit up regardless of everything?

The essential tool kit:

* Eye drops (fake tears) should be used around 2 times an hour, or as much as needed.
* Eye gel, use it before sleep or whenever you tape your eye. Note: it makes your vision fuzzy!
* Medical tape, I use paper tape, it is easier on the skin.
* Cotton patches, I cut them in half and tape them over the eye when they are tired.

These here items you should not skimp on! And don't be lazy, this is the part that makes your recovery go smoother and prevents your open eye from going blind so keep it up!
I didn't realize how much my eye actually stayed open until I photographed it.. it really shocked me in to making 100% sure it doesn't dry up!

 The feel good toolkit:

* Heating pad / hot water bottle
* Sleeping eye mask that fits comfortably
* Eye patch with an attitude
* Cooling eye mask.
These here I strongly recommend that anyone with Bell's gets a hold of a soon as diagnosed. It differs between days which is better for the pain, warm or cold. I play it by heart but usually in the evening when the pain is at it's worst heat helps more than cold.

State of mind:

The most important part about going through Bell's recovery is something my doctor didn't say a word about. The mental impact.. People will stare (some a lot), you will be in pain, your face dose not convey your thoughts or emotion and when you might be feeling the worse odds are people have forgotten that you are actually not feeling well. This is all something that is best to be aware of from the beginning, these are 3 weeks and the only way to get through them is to keep on smiling an realizing how friggin lucky you are that your first thought, that it was a stroke, wasn't true!
The people around you will have sympathy and be willing to help but remember that they do not know what you are going through and might not be able to see things from your point of view. The annoyances and pain are all yours and quite hard to understand for those that have full control over their faces.That is why the most important part of your recovery is to get you mind wrapped around what you are dealing with and finding ways to relax your mind.. My motto has been simple:

A few last helpful notes:

* Take showers, I'm up to 2-3 a day to relax the mussels!
* Do facial exercise, the once that old ladies do to minimize their double chin ;)
* Wear your eye patch proud, when people stare at you, stare back!
* You are likely to be pretty heavily medicated at first, read about possible side effects of the anti-virals and steroids so you know what you might expect.
* Let people know when you are tired or in pain, they can't see it and you need to take care of your self.
* Keep smiling.. even if it only shows on half of your face it brightens up all of your mind :)

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